• Latitude: 52.4834
  • Longitude: 143.291
  • CIS Pacific
  • Port in Russia

Address: Russia

Marine Port Description and Specifications: Chayvo, Russia

Overview: Chayvo Bay is located in the northeast part of Sakhalin Island, which is situated in the Russian Far East. This port serves primarily as a logistics and export point for oil and gas operations, especially those related to the Sakhalin-1 Project.


  • Coordinates: Approx. latitude 52.8500° N, longitude 143.3500° E
  • Region: Northeastern coast of Sakhalin Island, Russia
  • Accessibility: Adjacent to the Sea of Okhotsk; opens to international and domestic maritime routes.

Facilities and Infrastructure:

  • Berths: The port is equipped with specialized berths accommodating offshore support vessels (OSVs), tankers, and supply ships.
  • Water Depth: Typically ranges from 10 to 15 meters at the quay, suitable for medium to large-sized vessels.
  • Navigation: Access to the port is navigable year-round; icebreaker support may be required during winter months.
  • Terminal: Features state-of-the-art docking facilities to handle hydrocarbon products, reinforced by modern safety and environmental standards.


  • Primary Cargo: The focus is on the export of crude oil and natural gas, along with the import of necessary industrial equipment for the oil fields.
  • Key Users: Mainly utilized by operators like Exxon Neftegas Limited and other stakeholders in the Sakhalin-1 oil and gas project.
  • Logistics Services: Includes provisioning, crew changes, cargo handling, and vessel maintenance.

Support Services:

  • Storage: The port area includes tank farms and storage facilities designed for hydrocarbons.
  • Maintenance and Repair: Support for marine vessels, with integrated facilities for routine maintenance and emergency repairs.
  • Customs and Security: Onsite customs clearance, security checkpoints, and regulations ensuring the safe and lawful movement of goods.

Environmental Considerations:

  • The port operations comply with stringent environmental safeguards to minimize impacts on the marine ecosystem, including oil spill response strategies and waste management protocols.


  • Subarctic climate with cold winters and cool summers; sea ice may form from December to March, necessitating the use of ice-class vessels during these months.

Economic Impact:

  • Chayvo Port is a crucial component of Russia's energy export infrastructure, significantly contributing to the local and national economy by facilitating the export of Sakhalin's hydrocarbon resources.

Key Regulatory Body:

  • Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS) and other relevant national authorities overseeing maritime safety, navigation, and environmental protection standards for the port operations.

Conclusion: Chayvo Port is a strategic maritime hub in the Russian Far East, playing a pivotal role in the logistics chain of the Sakhalin-1 Project's oil and gas exportation. Its advanced facilities and capacity to handle hydrocarbon products underline its significance in Russia's energy sector.

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