• Latitude: 42.6873
  • Longitude: 140.007
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Chiwase Kanagawa Prefecture Japan

Port Name: Chiwae (Chiwase)

Location: Chiwase, Japan

Geographical Coordinates: Latitude: Approximately 34.2° N Longitude: Approximately 135.2° E

Port Type: Seaport

Overview: Chiwase is a maritime port situated on the southwestern coastline of Japan. This port is crucial for regional trade and can accommodate a variety of different vessels, ranging from fishing boats to larger commercial ships. It plays a significant role in both domestic and international maritime logistics.

Harbor Characteristics:

  • Water Depth: Chiwase port possesses deep-water berths capable of accommodating sizable commercial vessels. The specific depths can vary and should be verified with local harbor authorities.
  • Tides and Currents: Wave and tidal patterns can influence docking procedures, necessitating precise scheduling and maneuvering.
  • Navigational Aids: The port is equipped with essential navigational aids, including lighthouses, buoys, and electronic navigational systems to ensure safe entry, docking, and exit of vessels.

Facilities and Services:

  • Cargo Handling: Facilities for various cargo types, including containerized goods, bulk commodities, and possibly liquid cargo. The presence of cranes and loading/unloading equipment enhances efficiency.
  • Storage: On-site storage options may include warehouses and open yard spaces for temporary storage of goods.
  • Customs and Security: Standard customs and excise procedures are performed to align with international shipping regulations. Security protocols are in place to protect the port and its operations.
  • Ship Repair and Maintenance: Availability of dry docks and ship repair facilities, including emergency repair services.
  • Fueling and Bunkering: Services for refueling ships are available, ensuring long-haul vessels can replenish supplies as necessary.


  • Land Connectivity: The port is accessible via road and potentially rail links, providing efficient transportation routes for goods entering or exiting the port from the surrounding regions.
  • Air Transportation: Proximity to regional airports can facilitate the rapid movement of personnel and small, high-value cargo.

Economic Significance:

  • The port serves as an economic hub, boosting trade and industry in the region. It supports local businesses, fishing industries, and contributes significantly to regional economic development through import/export activities.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Regulations are in place to mitigate environmental impact, including waste disposal measures, pollution control, and initiatives for sustainable port operations to protect the maritime ecosystem.

Contact Information: For specific details regarding schedules, berth reservations, and additional services, contacting the port authority directly is recommended. They can provide updated, precise, and comprehensive information suited to your operational needs.

Development and Expansion: Ongoing or planned development projects may aim to expand capacity, improve infrastructure, and enhance the overall efficiency of port operations to keep pace with growing demands.

This general overview offers a snapshot of Chiwase port, and for specific, up-to-date details, direct liaison with port authorities or local maritime agencies is advisable.

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