• Latitude: 44.6261
  • Longitude: -65.7531
  • East Coast Canada
  • Port in Canada

Address: Canada

Marine Port Description and Specification: Digby, Canada

Overview: Digby is a small coastal town located in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. It is situated on the western shore of the Annapolis Basin, near the Bay of Fundy. This region is renowned for having some of the highest tides in the world. Digby is primarily known for its rich maritime heritage, picturesque scenery, and as the "Scallop Capital of the World," given its significant scallop fishing industry.

Port Details:

  • Location: Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Coordinates: Approximately 44.6234° N latitude and 65.7603° W longitude
  • Type of Port: Small commercial port and marina
  • Ownership/Management: Managed by local and regional authorities

Facilities & Infrastructure:

  1. Wharves and Piers:

    • The main wharf in Digby serves commercial fishing vessels, particularly those involved in the scallop industry.
    • There are several smaller piers and floating docks that cater to recreational boats and private yachts.
  2. Harbor Specifications:

    • The harbor is naturally protected with breakwaters and is relatively shallow.
    • Depth: The entrance channel and harbor depth range from 3 to 5 meters.
    • Tidal Range: The port experiences considerable tidal fluctuations, typical of the Bay of Fundy area, which can range up to 7 meters.
  3. Navigation Aids:

    • Lighthouses and buoys are strategically located to assist with the navigation of vessels entering and leaving the port.
    • Marine pilots are available but typically not required for small to medium-sized vessels.
  4. Cargo and Storage Facilities:

    • Limited cargo facilities are available, primarily focused on seafood processing and storage.
    • Cold storage units are present to handle the storage and preservation of scallops and other marine products.
  5. Fueling and Supplies:

    • Fueling stations are available for both commercial and recreational vessels.
    • Basic provisions and marine supplies can be obtained from local suppliers.
  6. Repair and Maintenance:

    • Minor repair services and maintenance facilities are available.
    • For more extensive repairs, vessels may need to access services in larger nearby ports such as Halifax.


  • Fishing Industry: The port serves as a hub for the fishing fleet, particularly for scallop fishing.
  • Maritime Tourism: A considerable part of Digby's economic activity comes from tourism, buoyed by whale watching tours, recreational sailing, and other marine activities.
  • Ferry Services: Digby is an important terminal for ferry services, notably connecting to Saint John, New Brunswick, via the Bay Ferries Limited's service.

Security and Safety:

  • Port Security: Managed by local authorities to ensure the safety and security of the port and its users.
  • Search and Rescue: Coast Guard facilities are available for emergencies in and around the Bay of Fundy.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Tidal Effects: The high tides of the Bay of Fundy necessitate careful scheduling and mooring practices.
  • Sustainability: Efforts are made to promote sustainable fishing practices and protect the marine ecosystem.

Contact Information:

  • Harbormaster’s Office: Typically located at the main wharf, available during regular working hours.
  • Local Authorities: Municipality of Digby for broader administrative and regulatory matters.

The port of Digby, with its combination of commercial and recreational capabilities, plays a vital role in the local economy and community, providing essential services to both the fishing industry and maritime tourism.

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