• Latitude: 44.3856
  • Longitude: -66.2111
  • East Coast Canada
  • Marina in Canada

Address: Tiverton Ontario Canada

As of my most recent update in October 2021, Tiverton is a small community located near the eastern shore of Lake Huron in Bruce County, Ontario, Canada. It is not typically recognized as a major marine port or harbor facility but has some notable marine and coastal infrastructure relevant to the local economy and tourism. Here are some general descriptions and specifications that one might expect from maritime facilities in regions like Tiverton:

General Description:

  • Location: Tiverton is situated near Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes, providing access to extensive freshwater routes.
  • Role: The area's marine facilities mostly serve recreational, fishing, and local transport purposes.
  • Proximity: Tiverton is relatively close to other important locations like Kincardine, which offers more extensive marine facilities. This community is also influential due to the nearby Bruce Power nuclear facility, which is one of the largest nuclear plants in the world.

Marine Facilities:

  1. Small Craft Harbors: Typically used for docking and mooring small recreational boats and fishing vessels.
  2. Marinas: Likely available for local and visiting boaters, offering amenities like fuel, supplies, maintenance services, and possibly seasonal docking.
  3. Boat Launches: Public or private ramps enabling boat trailer launch into Lake Huron.
  4. Fishing Facilities: Areas dedicated to commercial and recreational fishing.

Port Specifications:

  1. Water Depth: Depth may vary but generally suitable for small and mid-sized recreational boats. There might not be deepwater docks suitable for large commercial ships.
  2. Navigational Aids: Buoys, light markers, and other navigational aids to assist in safe passage and docking.
  3. Security Measures: Given its small size, security measures would likely be basic, focusing on local policing and community oversight rather than extensive port security.
  4. Services Available: Fuel stations, boat repair and maintenance shops, supply stores for marine equipment and essentials.
  5. Accessibility: Tiverton’s marine facilities are accessible by road and close to local amenities and restaurants, making it convenient for short recreational visits.


  • Recreational Boating: A popular activity given the scenic beauty of Lake Huron and its shoreline.
  • Fishing Activities: Both commercial and recreational.
  • Tourism: The marine facilities add value to the local tourism given the proximity to natural attractions.
  • Local Transport: Primarily for smaller vessels; commercial shipping activities would likely be minimal.

Surrounding Attractions:

  • Lake Huron: Offers extensive coastline and pristine waters, attracting boaters, fishermen, and tourists.
  • Bruce Power: Though not directly related to marine activities, the presence of this facility can be of economic significance to the area.

Overall, Tiverton’s marine facilities are characterized by their smaller, more community-oriented scope, catering primarily to recreational and some commercial maritime activities. For extensive marine port facilities, one would need to look at larger neighboring towns or cities along the Great Lakes.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
GEORDIE HINNY Sailing 8/24/2024

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