• Latitude: 73.5068
  • Longitude: 80.51
  • North Coast CIS
  • Port in Russia

Address: Dikson Krasnoyarsk Krai Russia

Web-site: http://www.example.com/port-dikson

Dikson is a remote Arctic port located in Russia, situated in the northern part of the Krasnoyarsk Krai region. It serves as one of the northernmost settlements in the world and is positioned on the Kara Sea coastline and near the Yenisei Gulf.

General Description:

Dikson is predominantly known for its critical geographic position which supports marine operations in Arctic expeditions, scientific research, and Northern Sea Route navigation.

Port Specifications:

  • Location: Northern Russia, on the Kara Sea coast, at the mouth of the Yenisei River.
  • Coordinates: Approx. 73° 30' N latitude and 80° 31' E longitude.
  • Climate: Arctic climate with long, cold winters, and short, cool summers. Ice conditions usually dictate operational schedules, with the port often accessible only seasonally due to ice cover.
  • Functionality: Supports supply deliveries to local settlements and industries; serves as a logistical hub for Arctic research and exploration.

Facilities and Services:

  • Berths: Usually includes a limited number of berths capable of handling small to medium-sized vessels, suitable for Arctic conditions.
  • Navigation: Equipped with basic navigational aids to assist ships in navigating through ice-prone waters.
  • Cargo Handling: Limited cargo handling facilities, with a primary focus on essential supplies and equipment for local needs and Arctic missions.
  • Storage: Limited storage capacity given the remote and small-scale nature of the settlement.
  • Fueling: Basic refueling services available, mainly for vessels operating in the region.
  • Maintenance: Basic repair and maintenance facilities, but complex repairs would likely require services from more equipped ports further south.

Operational Constraints:

  • Ice Conditions: Heavily influenced by ice conditions; navigation and port operations are significantly affected, usually open during the ice-free months in summer.
  • Weather: Adverse weather conditions can impact operations, with severe storms and low temperatures being common.
  • Remote Location: Challenges include limited accessibility, dependency on seasonal supply vessels, and limited infrastructure.


  • Northern Sea Route: Important waypoint for vessels navigating the Northern Sea Route, offering one of the few ports of call along this largely isolated passage.
  • Air Links: Minimal air connectivity, used primarily for supply drops and emergency evacuations.

Key Usage:

  • Resupply Missions: Serving local inhabitants and operational bases with essential supplies.
  • Scientific Research: Staged as a base for scientific expeditions studying the Arctic environment.
  • Icebreaker Support: Often supported by icebreakers during the navigable months, helping to maintain access routes.

Despite its limited infrastructure and challenging environment, Dikson plays a vital role in supporting Arctic logistics, research, and maritime navigation within one of the most remote regions of the world.

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