• Latitude: 5.50818
  • Longitude: 4.96668
  • West Africa
  • Offshore Terminal in Nigeria

Address: Nigeria

The Escravos Oilfield is one of Nigeria's key offshore oil producing sites, located in the Niger Delta region. Operated primarily by Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL), a subsidiary of Chevron Corporation, the Escravos oilfield contributes significantly to Nigeria's oil output. Here are some key descriptions and specifications of the Escravos Oilfield:


  • Geographic Coordinates: Approximately 5° 36' N and 5° 12' E
  • Region: Niger Delta, near the mouth of the Escravos River
  • Country: Nigeria
  • Water Depth: Relatively shallow, suitable for various offshore and nearshore operations.


  1. Oil Production Platforms:

    • Multiple offshore platforms and wells that execute drilling and production activities.
    • Platforms are built to withstand the harsh marine environment of the Gulf of Guinea.
  2. Loading Terminals:

    • Escravos has an offshore mooring and buoy system for loading crude oil onto tankers.
    • The terminal facilitates the export of crude oil to international markets.
  3. Storage Facilities:

    • Onshore tank farms and floating storage units that temporarily hold crude oil before it is loaded onto export vessels.
  4. Pipeline Networks:

    • Intricate network of subsea and onshore pipelines transporting crude oil from production wells to storage facilities and loading terminals.
    • Includes the Escravos-Lagos Pipeline System (ELPS) which transports natural gas.
  5. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Plant:

    • Includes the Escravos Gas-to-Liquids (EGTL) plant, a key component converting natural gas into synthetic diesel and other liquid hydrocarbons.
    • The Escravos Gas Plant, which processes gas associated with oil production.

Production Details:

  • Primary Hydrocarbons: Crude Oil and Natural Gas
  • Daily Production Capacity: Varies, but can handle several hundred thousand barrels of oil per day and substantial volumes of natural gas.
  • Export Destinations: Primarily to North America, Europe, and Asia, with direct deliveries to refineries and storage hubs.

Environmental & Safety Measures:

  • Risk Management: Advanced monitoring and control systems to minimize environmental impact and occupational hazards.
  • Spill Contingency Plans: Regular drills and response strategies for oil spill management.
  • Sustainability: Initiatives aimed at reducing the carbon footprint, flaring of natural gas, and implementing environmentally friendly practices.

Technological Implementations:

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR): Techniques like water flooding and gas injection to maximize oil recovery.
  • Digital Monitoring: Use of advanced digital technologies for real-time monitoring and optimization of production operations.
  • Robust Security: Integrated security systems to protect infrastructure from vandalism and theft, a common risk in the Niger Delta.


  • Operational: Difficult terrain, heavy rainfall, and challenging logistics.
  • Environmental: Preservation of the sensitive Niger Delta ecosystem.
  • Security: Protection from militant groups and local unrest.

The Escravos Oilfield remains a cornerstone of Nigeria's petroleum industry, leveraging significant technology and infrastructure to sustain and improve its output while addressing environmental and security challenges.

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