• Latitude: 5.9045
  • Longitude: 5.6725
  • West Africa
  • Port in Nigeria

Address: Sapele Delta State Nigeria

Sapele Port - Overview


  • Sapele is a town located in Delta State, south-south Nigeria.
  • The port is situated along the Benin River, which serves as an important riverine route for transportation and trade in the region.

General Information:

  • Country: Nigeria
  • Region: Delta State
  • Latitude/Longitude: Approximately 5.8940° N, 5.6759° E
  • Time Zone: West Africa Time (UTC+1)

Port Infrastructure:

  1. Cargo Handling Facilities:

    • Berths: The Sapele Port typically comprises a few berths capable of handling different types of cargo, including breakbulk, container, and general cargo vessels.
    • Cranes: Mobile cranes and other lifting equipment are available for loading and unloading operations.
    • Warehouses & Storage: There are warehousing facilities and open storage areas for various types of cargo.
  2. Terminals:

    • Multipurpose Terminals: Sapele Port, being more of a river port, has multipurpose terminals capable of handling different cargo categories.
  3. Channel and Draft:

    • Navigational Channel: The Benin River channel leading to the port is maintained to support navigation.
    • Depth: Varies; typically, the draft requirements might range from 5 to 7 meters, but further verification is recommended for specific vessel requirements as sedimentation can affect depth.
  4. Port Services:

    • Pilotage: Pilotage is generally required to navigate the river.
    • Tug Services: Tugboats are available to assist with berthing and unberthing operations.
    • Bunkering: Limited bunkering facilities may be available, but arrangements should be confirmed in advance.
    • Customs Clearance: Active customs facilities for both import and export activities.


  • Operating Hours: The port operates 24 hours, 7 days a week to handle shipping and cargo activities.
  • Primary Commodities Handled: Timber, plywood, rubber, cocoa, petroleum products, general cargo, and containers.
  • Transport Connections: Road connections to other parts of Delta State and beyond; potential river transport to adjacent regions.

Economic Significance:

  • Regional Hub: Sapele Port serves as a crucial point for maritime trade in the Niger Delta region, contributing to the region's economy.
  • Industries: Proximity to local industries, including sawmills, rubber processing, and oil palm production facilities.

Points of Contact:

  • Port Authority: Managed by the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) which oversees operations.
  • Local Agencies: Various shipping agents, logistics companies, and government agencies operate within the port limits.

Challenges and Development:

  • Sedimentation: Regular dredging required to keep navigational channels open.
  • Infrastructure Development: Ongoing need for modernization and expansion to handle increasing cargo volumes and larger vessels.
  • Security: Port security measures are in place, though continuous improvement is necessary to counter any security threats.


Sapele Port is a vital riverine port in Delta State, Nigeria, aiding in the export and import of various goods. Its strategic location along the Benin River enhances its accessibility; however, maintaining navigational channels and upgrading port facilities are key to optimizing its operations.

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