• Latitude: -30.1932
  • Longitude: -71.4293
  • West South America
  • Port in Chile

Address: Guanaquero Coquimbo Chile

Guanaquero Port - Overview and Specifications

Guanaquero (often spelled "Guanaqueros") is a small coastal town situated in the Coquimbo Region of Chile. It lies along the Pacific Ocean, approximately 50 km north of the city of La Serena.

Type of Port:
Guanaquero is primarily a fishing port designed to cater to the local fishing industry. It may also serve smaller commercial and recreational vessels.

Key Features:

  1. Docking Facilities:

    • Typically, these are modest and predominantly tailored to fishing boats. Any commercial facilities would be limited and designed for small-scale operations.
  2. Storage and Handling:

    • Basic provisions for fish storage are likely available, often including ice-storage facilities.
    • Handling equipment may be rudimentary or semi-mechanized, aimed at supporting local fishermen and their needs.
  3. Navigation:

    • Access to the port is generally straightforward, but more detailed information may be required for navigation charts and guidance.
    • Given its size, larger commercial vessels and extensive cargo operations may not be feasible.
  4. Support Services:

    • Limited repair and maintenance services, primarily suited for small fishing vessels.
    • Basic fuel supply and provisioning services.
  5. Transport Links:

    • Proximity to main roads that connect to larger urban centers such as La Serena.
    • Public transport services are limited, but the area is accessible via local bus routes and private transport.
  6. Regulations and Customs:

    • Subject to Chilean maritime and port regulations.
    • Local customs primarily related to the fishing industry, with inspection and regulatory compliance managed by regional authorities.

Living and Facilities:

  • Guanaquero is a small town, so amenities include essential services like restaurants, convenience stores, and accommodation in the form of inns or guesthouses catering to tourists and visiting boat crews.


  • Predominantly fishing.
  • Some tourism activities, especially related to seafood dining and local beach visitation.


  • The coastal area around Guanaquero is known for its clean beaches and vibrant marine life, making it a point of interest for eco-tourism.


Guanaquero Port in Chile is a niche, small-scale facility primarily supporting local fishing activities. The infrastructure is modest, catering to the essential needs of the fishing community and occasional smaller commercial vessels. Its scenic coastal setting and proximity to larger cities like La Serena add to its charm, attracting tourists for seaside visits and seafood delicacies.

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