• Latitude: 26.6842
  • Longitude: 55.8935
  • Arabian Gulf
  • Port in Iran

Address: Hengam Island Hormozgan Province Iran

Port Name: Hengam Port

Location: Hengam Port is located on Hengam Island, which is situated in the Persian Gulf, near the southern coast of Iran. It lies approximately 2 km off the southeast coast of the larger Qeshm Island. The geographical coordinates for Hengam Island are approximately 26°38'N latitude and 55°54'E longitude.

Key Specifications and Description:

  • Harbor Type: Hengam Port is classified as a small port with limited infrastructure, primarily catering to local fishing, tourism, and small-scale trade activities rather than large commercial shipping.

  • Facilities:

    • Berths and Piers: The port has a few small piers and berths capable of accommodating small vessels, such as fishing boats, tourist boats, and small cargo vessels. The size and depth of the berths are not suitable for large ocean-going ships.
    • Cargo Handling Equipment: Limited cargo handling facilities are available. The port is not equipped with heavy-duty cranes or container handling equipment.
    • Storage: There is minimal storage capacity at the port, primarily for local goods and cargo. Warehousing facilities are limited.
    • Navigational Aids: Basic navigational aids are present to assist vessels in approaching and docking at the port. However, the port lacks advanced radar and monitoring systems.
  • Depth: The approach channel and berths at Hengam Port have shallow depths, typically ranging around 2 to 4 meters (6.5 to 13 feet). This limits the size of vessels that can safely dock at the port.

  • Services:

    • Pilotage: Pilotage services are basic and depend on local navigational knowledge.
    • Tug Assistance: Limited tug assistance is available, primarily for smaller vessels.
    • Bunkering: Fuel bunkering services are minimal and generally catered to small boats.
    • Repairs: Basic repair services for small vessels can be found, though there are no large-scale ship repair or dry dock facilities.
  • Connectivity: Hengam Island and its port are well-connected by sea to nearby Qeshm Island and mainland Iran. Regular ferry services and small boat transfers link Hengam with these areas, facilitating passenger and light cargo transport.

  • Economic Activities: The port supports local economic activities, including fishing, pearl diving, and tourism. Hengam Island is known for its natural beauty, wildlife, and historical attractions, which draw tourists and contribute to the local economy.

  • Environmental Considerations: Given its natural and relatively unspoiled environment, Hengam Port operations are expected to be mindful of environmental preservation and sustainability practices.

Strategic Importance: While Hengam Port is not a major commercial port, it plays a vital role in supporting the livelihood of the island's inhabitants and fostering local business, maritime activities, and tourism. Its proximity to the Strait of Hormuz also adds a layer of regional strategic importance, though its current facilities are more aligned with local than international maritime traffic.

For detailed and up-to-date information, including potential plans for development or expansion, consulting local port authorities or official maritime publications is recommended.

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