• Latitude: 47.4201
  • Longitude: -70.3897
  • East Coast Canada
  • Port in Canada

Address: Charlevoix QC G0A 1X0 Canada

Phone number: +1-418-438-2288


Île aux Coudres is an island located in the St. Lawrence River in Quebec, Canada. It falls under the jurisdiction of the Charlevoix region. While Île aux Coudres is known for its scenic beauty and historical significance, it also has modest port facilities that cater primarily to local needs and tourism. Here’s a detailed description and specification of the port:

General Overview:

  • Location: Île aux Coudres, Charlevoix Region, Quebec, Canada
  • Coordinates: Approximately 47.45°N latitude and 70.37°W longitude
  • Primary Use: The port mainly serves local transportation, fishing, tourism, and small-scale commercial activities.

Port Facilities:

  • Ferry Terminal: The most notable maritime activity is the ferry service that connects Île aux Coudres to the mainland (Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive). This service is crucial for the transportation of residents, tourists, and goods to and from the island.
    • Ferry Capacity: Can accommodate both passengers and vehicles including cars and trucks. Ferries typically operate year-round with schedules that can vary seasonally.
  • Berths and Wharfs: The port has several berths designed for small to medium-sized vessels, including fishing boats and pleasure crafts.
  • Cargo Handling: Limited to essential goods and supplies, as the port does not have extensive cargo handling facilities. Operations are often manual or semi-mechanized.

Marine Specifications:

  • Depth: Varies but generally suitable for smaller vessels. Larger vessels might face draft restrictions.
  • Tides and Currents: The area is subject to tidal influences, and mariners should be aware of the tidal schedules and currents.
  • Mooring and Anchoring: Facilities available for mooring small vessels and anchorage zones are identified but generally to accommodate local traffic.
  • Navigation and Access: Navigation to and from Île aux Coudres requires awareness of the St. Lawrence River's channel conditions and potential for ice during the winter months.

Amenities and Services:

  • Refueling: Limited fuel supply, mainly catering to local vessels.
  • Maintenance and Repairs: Basic services are available for routine maintenance of small boats. For more extensive repairs, one might need to go to larger ports on the mainland.
  • Safety and Security: Standard safety protocols in line with Canadian maritime regulations. Emergency services are reachable but again limited given the island's size and remote nature.

Environmental and Regulatory Considerations:

  • The port adheres to environmental guidelines to protect the St. Lawrence River's ecosystem.
  • There are specific protocols for waste management and pollution control to minimize the impact on local aquatic life.

Economic and Social Significance:

  • Tourism: A key driver for the port's activity, with many visitors attracted to the island’s natural beauty, historical sites, and cultural events.
  • Local Economy: The port supports the livelihood of the island’s residents, including local fisheries, small businesses, and artisan crafts.


Île aux Coudres' port facilities are essential to the island's connectivity and economic vitality but are modest compared to larger commercial ports. The focus is on serving the local community, supporting tourism, and ensuring essential supplies and transportation needs are met efficiently.

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