• Latitude: 46.9904
  • Longitude: -70.5502
  • East Coast Canada
  • Port in Canada

Address: Canada

Montmagny is a town located in the province of Quebec, Canada, situated along the south shore of the Saint Lawrence River. While not renowned as one of Canada's major marine ports, Montmagny features a riverine port that caters primarily to regional activities.

Port Description:


  • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately 46.9803° N latitude and -70.5536° W longitude.
  • Region: Province of Quebec, within the Chaudière-Appalaches administrative area.
  • Proximity to Major Waterways: Nestled on the south shore of the Saint Lawrence River.

Port Specifications:

  1. Facilities:

    • Docks/Wharves: The port area includes smaller docks primarily used for local marine activities, including fishing boats and small commercial vessels.
    • Loading/Unloading: Facilities are straightforward, designed to handle rather modest cargo types.
  2. Cargo Handling:

    • Type: Bulk cargo, particularly those related to local industries such as agriculture and fisheries.
    • Equipment: Basic equipment for loading and unloading, mainly for smaller-scale operations.
  3. Depth and Draft:

    • Harbor Depth: Typically supports vessels with a draft suitable for river transport.
    • Navigational Constraints: Requires navigation attentiveness due to tidal and seasonal variations.
  4. Port Services:

    • Maintenance: Essential repair and maintenance services for the local fishing fleets.
    • Customs and Immigration: Limited, more streamlined indicating suitability predominantly for national, provincial, and regional traffic.
  5. Connection and Accessibility:

    • Road Network: Accessible via provincial highways, connecting to larger transport infrastructures.
    • Rail and Air Access: Limited rail access, with nearest significant airports located in Quebec City, providing broader logistical connectivity.
  6. Port Governance and Management:

    • Authority: Managed typically by local municipal entities in collaboration with regional authorities.
    • Regulations: Adheres to Canadian federal maritime regulations and provincial environmental standards.

Economic and Regional Significance:

  • Industries Served: Primarily supports local and regional industries, including agriculture, fisheries, and small-scale manufacturing.
  • Community Impact: Serves as a pivotal part of Montmagny’s economy, providing jobs and regional trade growth.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Sustainability: Efforts to comply with environmental regulations to protect the Saint Lawrence River’s ecosystem.
  • Conservation: Ongoing initiatives to balance economic activity with ecological preservation, ensuring long-term sustainability for both the port and the riverine environment.

Future Developments:

  • Upgrades: Possible infrastructural enhancements to support increased regional trade and tourism.
  • Expansion: Limited potential due to geographical and environmental constraints but possible focus on improving efficiency using existing capacities.


The Port of Montmagny, while not a major international hub, plays a crucial role in regional commerce and community welfare. Its facilities, while modest, are integral to supporting the economic activities of Montmagny and the surrounding areas. The port navigates both the economic needs and environmental considerations inherent to its location on the Saint Lawrence River.

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