• Latitude: -25.5548
  • Longitude: -48.3124
  • East Coast South America
  • Port in Brazil

Address: Ilha do Mel PR 83251-000 Brazil

Ilha do Mel is a picturesque island located in the state of Paraná, Brazil, within the Paranaguá Bay. While the island itself is primarily a tourist destination known for its natural beauty, beaches, and ecological significance, it does not possess a conventional commercial marine port capable of handling large cargo or container ships. Rather, it is serviced by smaller vessels, ferries, and fishing boats. Here’s a description and some specifications related to Ilha do Mel:

General Description:

  • Geographical Location: Ilha do Mel is situated at the entrance of Paranaguá Bay, in the southern part of Brazil. The coordinates are approximately: Latitude -25.5300, Longitude -48.3050.
  • Ecological Importance: It's considered an ecological paradise, with large parts of the island designated as protected areas. It includes the Ilha do Mel State Park and the Ecological Station.
  • Accessibility: The island is accessible by boat from the mainland, with departure points located at Pontal do Sul in Pontal do Paraná and from Paranaguá city.
  • Tourist Spots: Major attractions include the Encantadas Cave, Fortaleza de Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres, and numerous pristine beaches like Praia de Fora, Praia Grande, and Praia do Farol.

Maritime Infrastructure:

  • Docks and Piers: There are a few small docks and piers primarily located in the villages of Encantadas and Brasília. These serve local fishermen, tourists, and supply boats.
  • Ferry Service: Frequent ferry services connect Ilha do Mel with the mainland, accommodating foot passengers and providing the primary means of transportation for tourists.
  • Navigation: Navigation around Ilha do Mel requires awareness of tidal conditions and local maritime routes. The waters surrounding the island are shallow in many areas, demanding careful navigation.

Specification Highlights:

  • Draft Restrictions: Due to the shallow waters around the island and the small scale of docking facilities, the draft capacity is quite limited, suitable only for small vessels.
  • Cargo Handling: There are no significant facilities for cargo handling because the island does not serve commercial shipping needs. Supplies to the island are transported via small boats.
  • Passenger Facilities: Basic amenities are available at docking points for passengers, including small waiting areas, ticket offices, and transfer points for local accommodations and tours.
  • Sustainability Measures: Given its protected status, the island has strict regulations regarding construction, waste management, and tourism activities to preserve its ecological integrity.

Important Considerations:

  • Environmental Regulations: Activities are highly regulated to protect the island’s environment. Visitors are encouraged to follow strict guidelines to minimize their ecological footprint.
  • Limited Infrastructure: Due to the focus on preservation and tourism, infrastructure remains limited. Visitors and operators need to plan accordingly.
  • Weather Conditions: The maritime and weather conditions can affect travel to and from the island, with stronger winds and rough seas at certain times of the year.

In summary, while Ilha do Mel does not contain a significant commercial marine port, it supports a range of small-scale maritime activities oriented around tourism and local needs. Its primary allure lies in its natural beauty and ecological significance, rather than its capacity for maritime commerce.

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