• Latitude: -5.54762
  • Longitude: 150.15
  • North Australia
  • Port in Papua New Guinea

Address: Papua New Guinea

Kimbe is a port town located on the northern coast of New Britain, the largest island in the Bismarck Archipelago of Papua New Guinea. It's the capital of the West New Britain Province. The port is relatively modest in size but is significant for regional trade and transport due to its strategic location and access to the inland agricultural hinterland.

Description and Specifications

Geographical Coordinates:

  • Latitude: Approximately 5.5503° S
  • Longitude: Approximately 150.1424° E

Port Type:

  • Coastal Natural Port

Operation and Management:

  • Managed by the Papua New Guinea Ports Corporation Limited (PNGPCL).

Infrastructure and Facilities:

  1. Berths:

    • The port has limited berth facilities to accommodate both container vessels and general cargo ships.
    • The main berth can handle small to medium-sized vessels.
  2. Cargo Handling:

    • The port handles a variety of cargo types, including general cargo, containers, and bulk materials.
    • It includes facilities for handling agricultural products, particularly palm oil, copra, and rubber, which are primary exports.
  3. Warehousing and Storage:

    • Limited warehousing and open storage areas available for cargo staging and storage before shipment or after receipt.
  4. Navigation and Access:

    • Entrance to the port and navigation channels are generally safe but require cautious navigation due to underwater topography and potential shifting sediments.
    • Depth alongside typically accommodates medium-draft vessels but may require regular dredging or checks for depth consistency.
  5. Port Services:

    • Pilotage: Generally required for navigating into the port.
    • Tug Assistance: Available for larger vessels requiring assistance for berthing and unberthing.
    • Bunkering: Limited bunkering facilities, primarily for smaller refueling needs.
  6. Customs and Security:

    • Customs services available for processing import and export documentation.
    • Security is compliant with the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, ensuring regulated access and safety.

Transportation Links:

  • The port is connected via road networks to Kimbe and further into the interior regions of New Britain.
  • Road transport is the primary means of cargo distribution from the port to local and regional markets.

Economic Significance:

  • The port of Kimbe plays a crucial role in the export of agricultural products, especially palm oil, which is a major economic contributor to the region.
  • Supports local industries and connectivity to other parts of Papua New Guinea and international markets.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Like many ports in ecologically sensitive areas, Kimbe is subject to environmental regulations to preserve marine and coastal ecosystems.
  • Monitoring and mitigating the impact of port activities on the local environment are ongoing concerns.

Expansion and Development:

  • There may be plans or proposals for future expansion to accommodate increasing trade volumes and larger vessels, though specific projects would depend on investment and economic factors.


Kimbe port is a pivotal maritime hub for West New Britain Province in Papua New Guinea, serving as a gateway for agricultural exports and regional trade. Its small to medium scale facilities are geared towards handling general and containerized cargo, with specific focus on primary sector goods. Managed by PNGPCL, it features essential services and infrastructure but has limitations in capacity and specialized facilities. Future growth potential hinges on economic development and infrastructural investments.

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