• Latitude: 39.2833
  • Longitude: 141.117
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Kitakami Iwate Japan

Kitakami is a river port located on the eastern coast of Japan, within the Iwate Prefecture. This port plays a significant role in the region's maritime activities, including cargo operations and fishing. While it may not be as large or as busy as major commercial ports like Tokyo or Yokohama, Kitakami Port serves regional needs effectively.

Port Specifications

  1. Location:

    • Coordinates: Approximately 38.915N latitude and 141.55E longitude.
    • Region: Tohoku region, Iwate Prefecture.
    • Accessibility: It is reasonably accessible from central Iwate and nearby localities via road and maritime routes.
  2. Port Type:

    • Primarily a river port with additional coastal capabilities.
  3. Facilities:

    • Cargo Handling: The port is equipped for handling a variety of cargo types including bulk cargo, containers, and general goods.
    • Fishing: Features infrastructure to support local fishing activities.
    • Storage: Warehousing and open storage yards are available for temporary storage of goods.
    • Berthing: Multiple berths capable of accommodating small to medium-sized vessels.
  4. Depth and Tides:

    • Depth: The navigational depth of the port can vary but typically ranges between 4 to 10 meters, suitable for small to medium-sized ships.
    • Tide Information: As with most coastal ports in Japan, tidal changes can significantly affect operations. Tidal range and patterns should be checked regularly for safe navigation.
  5. Infrastructure:

    • Transport Links: Connected to regional road networks, facilitating the easy transfer of goods to and from the port.
    • Cranes and Equipment: Essential cargo handling equipment such as cranes, forklifts, and other machinery are available to manage various types of cargo.
  6. Operational Details:

    • Working Hours: Typically operates during standard business hours, with provisions for extended operations depending on shipping schedules and requirements.
    • Customs and Security: Port operations include customs services for international shipments, along with security measures consistent with international shipping standards.
  7. Services:

    • Pilotage and Towage: Services are available for assisting vessel navigation into and out of the port.
    • Repair and Maintenance: Basic repair facilities are available for maintenance of visiting vessels.
    • Utilities: Availability of essential utilities such as freshwater supply, electricity, and waste disposal services.
  8. Emergency Services:

    • Fire Fighting: Equipped with fire fighting equipment and trained personnel.
    • Medical Facilities: Proximity to local medical facilities ensures quick medical assistance if needed.

Nearby Facilities and Amenities

  • Accommodations: Various hotels and lodgings are available in the nearby city centers.
  • Commerce: Local markets and shopping areas are accessible for crew and visitors.
  • Tourism: The Iwate Prefecture offers various cultural and natural attractions for visitors.

Economic Impact

The port of Kitakami supports regional economic activities by facilitating the import and export of goods, thereby contributing to the local economy. Its fishing operations are also vital for local food supply and industry.

Environmental Considerations

Kitakami Port follows Japanese regulations for environmental protection, ensuring that maritime and port activities minimize ecological impact on the river and coastal regions.


Kitakami Port, though not as prominent as Japan’s major ports, plays a crucial role in the local economy of Iwate Prefecture. Its facilities and operations support a range of maritime activities from cargo handling to fishing, ensuring the region's connectivity and economic sustenance.

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