• Latitude: 48.4118
  • Longitude: 142.09
  • CIS Pacific
  • Port in Russia

Address: Krasnogorsk Russia

Krasnogorsk is an inland city located near Moscow, Russia, and is part of the Moscow Oblast (region). There isn't a marine port named Krasnogorsk since the city is not situated on the coast or near a major river conducive to large-scale marine shipping. Therefore, it doesn't serve as a marine or seaport with facilities for ocean-going vessels. However, it’s possible that the city might have small river ports or facilities for smaller vessels and recreational boating given its proximity to Moscow River.

For large marine ports near Moscow, one would typically refer to St. Petersburg or Novorossiysk, which are significant maritime hubs in Russia.

If there is any specific point related to Krasnogorsk or neighboring regions that you would like to know more about, please provide additional context or details!

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