• Latitude: 33.468
  • Longitude: 135.79
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Japan

Kushimoto is a town located in the Higashimuro District, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. It is known for its proximity to the southernmost point of the main islands of Japan. Kushimoto also has a port which plays a significant role in the region's economy as well as in tourism activities. Below is a detailed description and specifications of the Kushimoto port:


Kushimoto is situated along the coast of the Kii Peninsula, facing the Pacific Ocean. It is the southernmost town in Honshu, Japan's main island. The port is strategically located to capitalize on the maritime routes between Japan and other parts of the world, as well as between the various islands of Japan.

Port Specifications

Geographical Coordinates:
Approximate Latitude: 33.4725° N
Approximate Longitude: 135.7839° E

Type of Port:
Commercial and Fishing Port

Primary Uses:

  1. Commercial Shipping
  2. Fishing Activities
  3. Tourism (partly due to the town's attraction points like the Kushimoto Marine Park and scenic spots)

Berth and Quay Details:

  • The port has multiple berths designed to accommodate various ship sizes.
  • The specific details regarding berth length, depth, and maximum vessel specifications are typical of small to medium-sized ports. However, detailed specifications may require consultation with port authorities for up-to-date information.

Facilities and Services:

  1. Mooring and Docking: Facilities to accommodate fishing boats, small to medium commercial vessels.
  2. Cargo Handling: Basic cargo handling equipment for general goods.
  3. Fueling and Water Supply: Services available for vessels docking at the port.
  4. Storage: Limited storage facilities for fish and perishable goods, as well as some cargo.
  5. Repair and Maintenance: Basic ship repair and maintenance facilities.
  6. Customs and Immigration: Facilities to handle customs and immigration processes for international shipping.

Operational Information:

  • Port Authority: Local governance under the jurisdiction of Wakayama Prefecture.
  • Operational Hours: Typically operates during standard business hours, but specific operations like fishing may occur around the clock.
  • Navigational Aids: Equipped with navigational aids such as lighthouses, buoy markers, and communication facilities to ensure safe passage of vessels.


  • Road Connectivity: Well-connected by road to other major cities and regions within Wakayama Prefecture.
  • Rail Connectivity: Served by local railway lines.

Environmental Considerations:

  • The port is located near the Kushimoto Marine Park, which is a protected area, adding an element of environmental stewardship to port operations to minimize ecological impact.

Potential Challenges:

  • The port’s location in a region prone to natural disasters like typhoons and tsunamis requires robust disaster preparedness and response mechanisms.

Tourism Integration:

  • The port also facilitates tourism activities, offering sea excursions and access to local attractions such as the Hashigui-iwa Rocks and the Kushimoto Marine Park.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it's advisable to contact the port authority directly or consult official documentation related to Kushimoto Port operations. Local port authority contact details can typically be obtained from municipal offices or the Wakayama Prefecture's official website.

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