• Latitude: 33.5468
  • Longitude: 135.492
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Shimojishima Miyakojima Japan

Web-site: URL to Port Shimoji's website or relevant page (if available)

Shimoji Island, located in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, is part of the Miyako Islands and is known for its natural beauty and unique geological features. The island is of particular interest for marine operations due to its proximity to key shipping routes and its relatively well-developed infrastructure for both commercial and recreational boating. Here, I'll provide a concise overview of the marine port facilities on Shimoji Island.

Shimoji Island Marine Port Specifications:

1. Geographic Location:

  • Coordinates: Approximately 24.8261° N latitude and 125.1447° E longitude.
  • Adjacent Waters: Shimoji Island is bordered by the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean, providing access to both regional and international maritime routes.

2. Port Infrastructure:

  • Wharfs and Piers: The island has several small to medium-sized wharfs and piers accommodating various types of vessels.
    • Main Wharf: Suitable for medium-sized cargo and passenger vessels.
    • Fishing Pier: Dedicated to local fishing boats and smaller commercial vessels.
    • Marina Dock: Available for recreational boats and yachts.

3. Water Depth:

  • Draft: The water depth varies between 5 to 10 meters near most docks, suitable for small to medium-sized ships.

4. Capacity:

  • Cargo Handling: Limited cargo handling facilities, mainly supporting the local economy including fishing and goods for local consumption.
  • Vessel Accommodation: Can accommodate up to 20-30 small to medium vessels simultaneously, depending on size and type.

5. Navigation and Communication:

  • Navigational Aids: Equipped with standard navigational aids such as buoys, beacons, and lights to ensure safe passage for vessels.
  • Communication Systems: Includes VHF radio channels for marine communication, aligned with Japanese maritime regulations.

6. Services Available:

  • Fuel Supply: Limited facilities for refueling; smaller vessels usually use local petrol stations.
  • Fresh Water: Available for vessels but in limited quantities, primarily sourced from local supplies.
  • Waste Disposal: Basic facilities available for disposing of waste; adherence to environmental guidelines is critical.
  • Repair Services: Basic repair and maintenance services available, but complex repairs might require visits to larger nearby ports.

7. Security and Regulation:

  • Port Authority: Managed by local municipal authorities with oversight from prefectural agencies.
  • Security Measures: Basic security measures including surveillance and patrols; adherence to Japan's national and international maritime security protocols is required.

8. Connectivity:

  • Air: Shimoji Island is served by Shimojishima Airport, making it accessible for logistical and passenger transport.
  • Land: Road infrastructure connects the port with other key areas of the island, though limited in comparison to larger urban ports.

9. Environmental Considerations:

  • Eco-Friendly Initiatives: Efforts to minimize environmental impact through regulations and community-driven conservation programs.

Potential Developments:

  • Tourism: Increasing interest in tourism, particularly for diving and recreational activities, may encourage development of more sophisticated marina facilities.
  • Commercial Growth: Potential, albeit limited, for expanding commercial shipping and fishing activities based on demand and investment.


Shimoji Island's marine port offers essential services that cater primarily to local needs and small-scale commercial and recreational activities. Its strategic location and natural beauty provide opportunities for tourism development while maintaining a balance with environmental sustainability. The port's infrastructure, though modest, is competent for the scale of operations it currently supports.

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