• Latitude: -41.6174
  • Longitude: -73.5972
  • West South America
  • Port in Chile

Address: Maullin Los Lagos Region Chile

Marine Port: Maullín, Chile


  • Maullín is a small town located in the Los Lagos Region of southern Chile.
  • The port of Maullín is situated near the estuary formed by the Maullín River as it flows into the Pacific Ocean.
  • Geographic coordinates: Approx. 41°36′S latitude, 73°37′W longitude.

Key Features and Specifications:

  1. Navigational Aspects:

    • The port is situated in a region characterized by estuarine conditions, influenced by both riverine and tidal flows.
    • The navigational approach can be challenging due to shallow waters and tidal variations, requiring careful planning.
  2. Port Infrastructure:

    • The infrastructure mainly supports small to medium-sized vessels, primarily those engaged in local fishing and trade.
    • Facilities may include basic docking and mooring stations for vessels, though the scale and complexity might be limited compared to larger commercial ports.
  3. Services and Utilities:

    • Services typically provided could include fuel supply, fresh water, and basic repair services.
    • There might be limited cargo handling facilities, focusing more on local commodities such as fish, seafood, and possibly small-scale agricultural products.
  4. Economic Activities:

    • The port plays a significant role in the local economy, supporting fishing activities which are a primary livelihood for the local population.
    • Trade activities might include importing essential goods and exporting local produce.
  5. Environmental Considerations:

    • Maullín is in a region with rich biodiversity, including important coastal ecosystems. Environmental protection measures would be crucial to maintain these sensitive habitats.
    • Regulations and guidelines may be in place to ensure sustainable fishing practices and minimize environmental impact.
  6. Connectivity:

    • Road connectivity links Maullín to other towns and cities in the Los Lagos Region, facilitating the transport of goods to and from the port.
    • The infrastructure may include local roads and possibly connections to larger highways for broader regional integration.
  7. Regulatory and Operational Framework:

    • The port operations are likely governed by national and regional maritime regulations.
    • Operational procedures would adhere to safety standards, environmental regulations, and navigation guidelines as mandated by Chilean authorities.
  8. Potential for Development:

    • There might be prospects for development to enhance port facilities, improve navigational aids, and expand services to better support local and regional economic activities.
    • Investment in infrastructure could help bolster trade capacities and enhance local livelihoods.

Given the smaller scale of Maullín's port compared to major commercial hubs, the primary focus is on supporting local communities and sustainable practices. The port's operations are integral to the region's socio-economic landscape, reflecting a blend of traditional livelihoods and emerging opportunities.

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