• Latitude: -41.7903
  • Longitude: -73.4535
  • West South America
  • Port in Chile

Address: Pargua Los Lagos Region Chile

Pargua Marine Port Description and Specifications:


  • Pargua: Located in southern Chile, Pargua is situated in the Los Lagos Region. It serves as a critical connection point between the mainland and the island of Chiloé through a series of ferry services.

Geographical Coordinates:

  • Latitude: Approximately 41.7920° S
  • Longitude: Approximately 73.4540° W

Function and Significance:

  • Pargua is primarily known for its ferry terminal, which is a vital point for vehicles and passengers traveling to and from Chiloé Island.
  • It acts as a logistical hub for transport, facilitating commercial, touristic, and passenger movement between the mainland and the island.

Port Infrastructure:

  • Ferry Terminal: Equipped with docking facilities to handle large ferries that transport vehicles and passengers.
  • Landing stages: Suitable for various types of vessels, including passenger ferries and cargo boats.
  • Facilities: The terminal has waiting areas, ticketing offices, and basic amenities for passengers.

Operational Details:

  • Ferry Services: Multiple ferry companies operate routes between Pargua and Chiloé Island, with frequent departures ensuring continuous connectivity.
  • Cargo Handling: Capable of handling cargo transported via ferries, including commercial goods, agricultural products, and vehicles.
  • Operating Hours: Generally operates round-the-clock with varying frequencies depending on demand and time of day.


  • Road Access: Easily accessible via Route 5 (Pan-American Highway), making it a vital point for overland transport moving southward or northward.
  • Proximity to Cities: Closely located to the city of Puerto Montt, which is a significant urban and commercial center in the region.

Safety and Environmental Practices:

  • Regulations: Adheres to Chilean maritime regulations and international standards for port operations and safety.
  • Environmental Protection: Measures are in place to minimize environmental impact, including waste management systems and monitoring of marine life.

Key Benefits and Advantages:

  • Strategic Location: Acts as a gateway to Chiloé Island, supporting tourism and economic activities.
  • Efficient Operations: Well-managed ferry schedules help maintain a steady flow of passengers and goods.
  • Connectivity: Enhances regional connectivity and supports local communities by providing reliable transportation options.

Future Developments:

  • Ongoing and planned improvements in infrastructure and services to enhance operational efficiency and passenger experience.

Contact Information:

  • For any inquiries about schedules, services, or logistics at Pargua Marine Port, contact local ferry operators or regional maritime authorities in the Los Lagos Region.

Overall, Pargua Marine Port is a vital maritime hub contributing significantly to the local economy and transportation network in Southern Chile.

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