• Latitude: 71.8892
  • Longitude: -80.9081
  • East Coast Canada
  • Port in Canada

Address: Nunavut Canada

Milne Inlet is a marine port located in the northern region of Canada, specifically on Baffin Island in the Nunavut territory. The port serves as a critical access point for various industry operations, notably the shipment of ore from nearby mines. Below are some detailed descriptions and specifications of Milne Inlet:

Geographical Location

  • Coordinates: Approximately 72°15'N latitude and 80°00'W longitude.
  • Region: Nunavut, within the Arctic Archipelago.
  • Climate: Arctic climate; the port is ice-bound for a significant portion of the year, typically accessible during a brief ice-free summer season.

Infrastructure and Facilities

  • Docking Facilities:

    • Designed to accommodate bulk carriers and other large cargo ships.
    • Floating docks and mooring points capable of handling large ore shipment vessels.
  • Storage and Handling:

    • Temporary storage facilities for bulk materials.
    • Loading equipment includes conveyor systems for efficient transfer of ore from the mine to ships.
  • Navigation and Access:

    • Limited navigational aids due to the remote and harsh environment.
    • Icebreakers may be required to extend the operational season or during unpredictable ice conditions.


  • Primary Cargo: Iron ore and other mining products from nearby mining operations, primarily Baffinland’s Mary River iron ore mine.
  • Operational Season: Generally operates from mid-July to early October, dependent on ice conditions.
  • Transport Links:
    • Connected to the Mary River mine via a dedicated haul road.
    • Transshipment point for ore destined for international markets, particularly in Europe and Asia.

Environmental and Regulatory Considerations

  • Environmental Sensitivity: The region is ecologically sensitive, with efforts to minimize impact on local wildlife and marine ecosystems.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Subject to Canadian Arctic shipping regulations and international maritime safety standards.

Key Points

  • Strategic Importance: Critical for the export of natural resources from northern Canada.
  • Challenges: Harsh weather, ice conditions, and remote location pose significant logistical and operational challenges.
  • Future Development: Potential for infrastructure upgrades and expansion to support increased mining activities and extended operational seasons.

Milne Inlet plays a vital role in supporting Canada's mining export economy and is pivotal for the economic development of northern Nunavut. Efficient operation of the port requires careful planning and coordination, particularly due to its short operational window and environmental constraints.

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