• Latitude: 4.12489
  • Longitude: 98.2118
  • Indonesia
  • Port in Indonesia

Address: Pangkalan Susu North Sumatra Indonesia

Pangkalan Susu is a port located on the northeast coast of Sumatra in Indonesia. Operated primarily as an oil and gas terminal, Pangkalan Susu plays a significant role in the region's energy sector, facilitating the transfer of petroleum products and serving the needs of the industrial areas in North Sumatra. Below are some details and specifications about Pangkalan Susu Port:

Port Specifications and Features:

  1. Location:

    • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately 4.2271° N latitude and 98.2183° E longitude.
    • Proximity: The port is situated close to the Strait of Malacca, which is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.
  2. Port Type and Usage:

    • Primary Functions: Oil and gas terminal; handles refined petroleum products, crude oil, and liquefied natural gas (LNG).
    • Additional Uses: Some cargo handling for other industrial goods, though its main focus remains on energy commodities.
  3. Infrastructure:

    • Berths and Docks: Equipped with dedicated berths specifically designed for large tanker and cargo vessels.
    • Storage Facilities: Includes storage tanks and facilities for various petroleum products.
    • Loading/Unloading Equipment: Modern loading arms and pipelines for efficient transfer of liquid cargo.
    • Navigation: Well-equipped with navigational aids to assist in safe and efficient vessel operations.
  4. Draft and Capacity:

    • Depth: The port’s navigational channels and berthing areas have adequate depth to accommodate medium to large-sized tankers. Specific draft measurements can vary, so consulting current maritime charts and port authorities is recommended.
    • Capacity: Designed to handle a substantial volume of liquid cargo annually, servicing both international and domestic energy transport requirements.
  5. Facilities and Services:

    • Mooring and Piloting: Expert mooring and piloting services are available to ensure safe docking and departure of vessels.
    • Bunkering: Bunkering services for vessels operating within and transiting through the region.
    • Support and Maintenance: On-site support services to handle minor repairs and maintenance, though more significant repairs would generally require external facilities.
  6. Environmental and Safety Standards:

    • Regulations: Operates in compliance with Indonesian national regulations as well as international maritime standards for environmental protection and safety.
    • Emergency Services: Equipped with necessary emergency response teams and equipment to deal with oil spills, fires, and other potential hazards.

Economic and Strategic Importance:

  • Energy Hub: Serves as a critical hub in Indonesia's energy distribution network.
  • Industrial Support: Supports the surrounding industrial zones by ensuring a steady supply of energy resources.


  • Road Connectivity: Well-connected with regional road networks facilitating transportation of goods to and from the port.
  • Proximity to Resources: Positioned close to various oil fields and energy production sites, reducing transport times and costs.

Contact Information:

For detailed and updated information, direct contact with the port authority or visiting the official website of Pangkalan Susu Port, if available, is advisable. This ensures access to the latest data concerning operations, scheduling, and any potential restrictions or requirements.

Overall, Pangkalan Susu is a vital maritime facility focused on the energy sector, contributing significantly to the local and national economy of Indonesia.

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