• Latitude: 16.5096
  • Longitude: -88.3677
  • East Coast Central America
  • Port in Belize

Address: Placencia Stann Creek 00000 Belize

Phone number: +501-123-4567


Placencia is a quaint and scenic village situated on the southeastern coast of Belize, known for its stunning beaches and vibrant marine life. It functions as a small yet significant port in the region, catering primarily to tourism and local fishing activities. Here is an overview of the specifications and characteristics of the Placencia Marine Port:


  • Latitude: 16.5167 N
  • Longitude: 88.3667 W
  • Region: Located on the Placencia Peninsula, which extends into the Caribbean Sea.

Port Characteristics

  • Port Type: Small-sized, predominantly functioning as a harbor for local vessels and tour boats.
  • Accessibility: Approachable by small to medium-sized vessels. The access channel is relatively shallow, suitable for boats with a shallow draft.
  • Tide: The port experiences modest tidal variations typical of the Caribbean region.

Facilities and Services

  • Berth Accommodation: Primarily for smaller boats, including fishing vessels and tour boats. No heavy cargo-handling facilities.
  • Marina Services: Basic services such as fueling, water supply, and minor repairs available.
  • Customs and Immigration: Small office available for processing visiting sailors and tourists.
  • Tourism Infrastructure: Numerous tour operators offering diving, snorkeling, and excursions to nearby cayes and the Belize Barrier Reef.
  • Fishing Infrastructure: Facilities supporting local fishermen, including fish markets and storage.
  • Cargo Handling: Minimal, as the port's primary focus is on tourism and local activities rather than large-scale shipping or container operations.

Navigational Information

  • Entrance Channel: Narrow and shallow, requiring careful navigation, particularly for larger vessels or those with deeper drafts.
  • Anchorage: Available but limited; often used by yachts and smaller ships.
  • Mooring: Simple mooring facilities suited for smaller watercraft.

Nearby Facilities

  • Accommodation: Numerous hotels, resorts, and guesthouses catering to tourists.
  • Restaurants and Shops: Variety of dining options and local shops available in Placencia village.
  • Transport: Bus services and taxis provide connectivity to the rest of Belize.

Environmental and Safety Considerations

  • Weather: Tropical climate with a wet and dry season; hurricane season typically from June to November.
  • Marine Procedures: Standard maritime safety protocols in place, with local coast guard and maritime authorities overseeing activities.

Though not a major commercial port, Placencia marine port is pivotal in supporting the local economy and tourism industry. It is the gateway to some of the most beautiful marine environments in the Caribbean, making it a popular stop for recreational sailors and tourists.

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