• Latitude: 32.63821
  • Longitude: -117.1812
  • US West Coast
  • Anchorage in US

Location: San Diego CA 92101 US

Phone number: +1-619-686-6200


San Diego Anchorage (SAN DIEGO ANCH)


San Diego Anchorage is located in the United States, positioned along the Pacific coast in Southern California.


  • Latitude: Approximately 32.7157° N
  • Longitude: Approximately 117.1611° W

General Description:

San Diego Anchorage serves as a sheltered maritime area for commercial, military, and recreational vessels. The anchorage lies in proximity to the Port of San Diego, providing essential support to traffic management, waiting areas for berthing, and safe mooring locations.

Specifications and Facilities:

  1. Size and Layout:

    • Spacious with multiple designated anchorage zones that accommodate various vessel sizes.
    • Close to essential port facilities, container terminals, cargo handling areas, and naval bases.
  2. Depth & Seabed:

    • Depth varies throughout different sections but generally ranges from 10 to 15 meters.
    • Seabed primarily consists of mud and sand, offering good holding conditions for anchors.
  3. Navigational Aids:

    • Marked by buoys and beacons to assist in safe navigation.
    • Nearby lighthouses and ranges contribute to navigational guidance.
  4. Anchoring Regulations:

    • Vessels need to receive clearance from the Port Authority before anchoring.
    • Specific zones may have restrictions based on vessel size, type, and purpose of visit (commercial vs. recreational).
  5. Safety & Environmental Measures:

    • Equipped with environmental protection protocols to manage oil spills and waste disposal.
    • The anchorage is monitored for maritime security, in coordination with U.S. Coast Guard and local authorities.
  6. Communication & Services:

    • Vessels can communicate with port control via VHF radio.
    • Piloting services available when navigating to/from berths and anchorage points.
    • Proximity to ship repair facilities, supply depots, fuel stations, and other marine services.
  7. Proximity to Urban Center:

    • Conveniently located near downtown San Diego, providing easy access to shops, restaurants, and accommodations.
    • Connected by road and rail for efficient logistics and crew changes.
  8. Weather Considerations:

    • Generally enjoys mild maritime climate with minimal extreme weather conditions.
    • Protected from open ocean swells, offering calm waters most of the year.


San Diego Anchorage is a strategic maritime location in the U.S. West Coast, providing essential anchorage and support services to a diverse range of vessels. It operates under regulated standards to ensure safety, security, and environmental protection, with easy access to port facilities and urban amenities.

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