• Latitude: 35.3038
  • Longitude: 139.488
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Shonan Kanagawa Japan

Marine Port Description and Specifications: Shonan, Japan


Shonan is a coastal region located along the Sagami Bay in Japan, part of Kanagawa Prefecture. The area is known for its beautiful beaches, surf culture, and scenic views of Mount Fuji. The primary cities within the Shonan region include Fujisawa, Kamakura, Chigasaki, and Hiratsuka.

Port Overview

Port of Shonan primarily functions as a commercial and fishing port. Other than its industrial uses, the port also supports tourism and recreational activities due to its attractive coastal setting.


  • Latitude: Approximately 35.309
  • Longitude: Approximately 139.497

Facilities and Infrastructure

  • Berths: The port is equipped with multiple berths that support small to mid-sized vessels.
  • Cargo Handling: Facilities for handling bulk cargo, container shipments, and fishing catches.
  • Storage: Warehousing facilities available for both dry and refrigerated goods.
  • Fishing Industry: Modern fish markets and auction houses facilitate the distribution of seafood.
  • Marina: There are facilities for yachting and small boats, catering to recreational mariners.
  • Security and Customs: Standard port security measures with customs checks and immigration offices for international vessels.

Depth and Access

  • Channel Depth: Varies, but generally about 10-12 meters.
  • Draft: Accommodation for vessels with a draft of up to around 9 meters.
  • Tidal Information: Tidal range is moderate; port operations may be influenced by local tidal conditions.

Connectivity and Transportation

  • Road Network: Excellent road connectivity to the rest of Kanagawa Prefecture and greater Tokyo area.
  • Rail Access: The port is well-served by Japan's efficient rail network, with nearby stations facilitating freight and passenger transport.
  • Airports: Narita International Airport and Haneda Airport are within accessible distance via road and rail.


  • Maintenance and Repair: Facilities available for vessel repair and maintenance.
  • Bunkering: Fuel supply services are available for commercial and recreational vessels.
  • Pilotage: Compulsory for larger vessels for safe navigation through port waters.
  • Towing: Tug services are available for berthing and unberthing operations.

Environmental and Safety Standards

  • Regulations: Adheres to Japanese and international maritime environmental standards.
  • Waste Management: Facilities for the disposal and treatment of various wastes.
  • Emergency Services: Equipped with emergency response teams and coast guard services.


Shonan's port is integral to the local economy, balancing its role in commercial and fishing activities with its significance as a hub for tourism and recreation. Its scenic coastal setting and proximity to major urban centers make it an important maritime facility in the region.

Key Contacts

  • Port Authority: Managed locally by the Kanagawa Prefecture port authority.
  • Customs Office: Available for cargo inspections and clearance procedures.
  • Marine Traffic Control: Coordinated with national maritime safety authorities.

This port offers a blend of functionality and aesthetics, aligning with the cultural and economic fabric of the Shonan area.

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