• Latitude: -40.3672
  • Longitude: 148.024
  • East Australia
  • Port in Australia

Address: Cape Barren Island Tasmania Australia


CAPE BARREN Island is located in the Bass Strait near Tasmania, Australia. While it is primarily known for its unique flora and fauna, it does not have a large commercial marine port in the traditional sense like other well-known ports in Australia. Instead, it's characterized by its smaller wharfs and jetties that serve local, primarily non-commercial activities. Here’s a brief description of the maritime facilities and general specifications you might expect for such a location:

General Description

  • Location: Cape Barren Island is situated off the northeastern coast of Tasmania in the Bass Strait.
  • Coordinates: Approximately 40.4° S latitude and 148.0° E longitude.
  • Primary Use: The marine facilities on Cape Barren Island cater mainly to local transport, small-scale fishing, and possibly tourism-related activities rather than large commercial shipping.

Marine Facilities

  • Wharfs and Jetties: Likely includes small wharfs and jetties suitable for fishing boats, personal watercraft, and small supply vessels.
  • Anchorage: Limited anchorage areas that might be used by visiting yachts or small supply ships.


  • Depth: Shallow waters typical for small craft operations, not suitable for deep-draft commercial shipping.
  • Berth Length: Likely short in length, suitable for the docking of small to moderately-sized vessels.
  • Tide Range: Varies with normal tidal activities in the Bass Strait. Mariners would have to be cautious of frequent weather changes and tidal currents.

Services and Support

  • Fuel and Water Supply: Basic amenities may be available but would likely be limited compared to larger ports.
  • Repair Facilities: Minimal or non-existent. Serious repairs would need to be carried out at larger ports such as those on mainland Australia or in Tasmania.
  • Navigation Aids: Basic aids to navigation might be present, such as buoys and marker lights, but comprehensive navigational support is unlikely.

Environmental and Wildlife Considerations

  • Protected Areas: Cape Barren Island has significant environmental importance due to its unique ecosystems and wildlife. Protection measures for sensitive areas and species may be strictly enforced.

Access and Connectivity

  • Road Access: Limited road infrastructure on the island, making it dependent on maritime and potentially air transport.
  • Airstrip: Some small airstrips or helipads might be available for connecting with larger cities and towns.

Given the lack of a large commercial port on Cape Barren Island, any maritime activity would be constrained to low-volume, low-impact operations designed to serve the needs of the local inhabitants and visitors, while also preserving the pristine natural environment of the island. For commercial shipping and larger vessel requirements, nearby ports on the Tasmanian mainland or in mainland Australia would be utilized.

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