• Latitude: -41.3305
  • Longitude: 148.267
  • East Australia
  • Port in Australia

Address: St Helens TAS Australia


St Helens Marine Port, Tasmania, Australia: Description and Specifications

Geographical Location:

  • Latitude / Longitude: St Helens Port is located at approximately 41° 19' S latitude and 148° 15' E longitude.
  • Region: St Helens is situated on the northeastern coast of Tasmania, a short distance from the Tasman Sea.

Port Description:

  • Type: St Helens Marina is a small, regional port primarily used for local fishing, boating, and some small-scale recreational purposes.
  • Harbor Type: The port comprises a natural harbor with supplementary man-made infrastructure to aid navigation and docking.

Facilities & Services:

  • Berthing: The port has multiple berths and mooring facilities to accommodate small to medium-sized vessels.
  • Depth: The entrance depth and alongside depth can vary and often cater to vessels with shallow drafts.
  • Marina Services: Includes fueling stations, water supply, and minor repair facilities.
  • Storage: Limited storage facilities for dry docks and marine gear.


  • Approaches: Attention to tidal conditions and weather is essential when approaching the port. Navigation aids such as beacons and buoys mark the channels to aid safe passage.
  • Pilotage: Usually not compulsory but recommended for vessels unfamiliar with the port waters, especially for navigating the Barway.

Cargo Handling:

  • Purpose: The port primarily supports fishing and some local commercial activities rather than large scale cargo operations.
  • Equipment: Limited facilities for heavy cargo handling, including basic cranes and forklifts.


  • Transport Links: The port is connected via local roads to St Helens town, offering access to local amenities and services. Regular public transport connects to broader Tasmania.
  • Nearby Infrastructure: St Helens Airport, located nearby, can facilitate quick access to the region.

Notable Features:

  • Fishing Hub: St Helens is primarily known for its vibrant fishing industry and is often referred to as the game fishing capital of Tasmania.
  • Tourism and Recreation: The port also supports recreational boating and tourism, with facilities catering to leisure vessels and yachting activities.
  • Environmental Considerations: As with all marine ports, environmental protection measures are in place to manage ecological impact, preserve local marine habitats, and handle potential pollutants.

Security & Regulations:

  • Governance: Managed and regulated by local maritime authorities ensuring adherence to Australia's maritime safety and security regulations.
  • Customs: As a minor regional port, customs facilities are limited; however, protocols are in place to manage any required clearances.

Emergency Services:

  • Response Units: Availability of coast guard or local marine rescue units for emergencies at sea.


  • Channels: VHF maritime channels for communication with port authorities and between vessels.
  • Port Control: Operates during designated hours for berthing assistance and harbor management.

Key Considerations for Mariners:

  • Tidal Information: Understanding local tidal patterns is crucial due to the influence of tides on navigation.
  • Weather Forecasts: Mariners should stay updated on local weather forecasts to plan safe entry and exit from the port.

St Helens Port, with its local charm and primary focus on fishing and recreational boating, offers essential services for regional maritime activities while contributing to Tasmania’s coastal economy and culture.

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