• Latitude: -40.2172
  • Longitude: 148.243
  • East Australia
  • Port in Australia

Address: Flinders Island Tasmania Australia

Phone number: +61-3-6359-8461

Web-site: https://www.flinders.tas.gov.au/ports

Flinders Island is part of Tasmania, Australia, located in the Bass Strait between mainland Australia and Tasmania. The island is the largest of the Furneaux Group. Flinders Island has some port and maritime facilities primarily centered around its main settlement areas, catering to both economic activities and transport needs. Below is a detailed description and some specifications of marine port facilities on Flinders Island:

Port Description

  • Location: Flinders Island, Tasmania, Australia. The island lies off the northeastern tip of Tasmania in the Bass Strait.
  • Coordinates: Approximately 40.0°S latitude, 148.0°E longitude.
  • Primary Settlement: Whitemark
  • Ownership/Management: Local government, maritime agencies, and private operators.

Key Facilities

  • Whitemark Wharf: Located near Whitemark, the largest town on the island. This is the central port for cargo and supplies.

    • Berthing Facilities: Wharf structure accommodating smaller vessels, fishing boats, and occasional larger supply vessels.
    • Cargo Handling: Basic facilities for handling bulk and break-bulk cargo. Primary commodities include agricultural products, construction materials, and general supplies.
    • Ferry Services: Occasional ferry services connect Flinders Island to mainland Tasmania and Victoria, though these can be seasonal.
  • Lady Barron: Another important port area on the southern tip of the island.

    • Berthing Facilities: Suitable for small to medium-sized vessels.
    • Services: Fishing, tourism, and general cargo. Lady Barron is often an anchorage point for vessels looking for shelter from the weather in the Bass Strait.
    • Marina: Small marina facilities for private and fishing vessels.

Port Infrastructure

  • Navigation and Safety:

    • Lighting and Buoys: Navigation aids including lights and buoys are present to ensure safe entry and exit from the harbor.
    • Tide and Weather Information: Essential for navigation owing to the often rough conditions in the Bass Strait.
  • Support Services:

    • Fuel Supply: Available for marine vessels.
    • Repairs and Maintenance: Basic facilities; for larger repair needs, vessels may need to travel to larger ports on the mainland.
    • Storage: Limited storage facilities, primarily open storage spaces for cargo.

Economic Activities

  • Fishing Industry: Significant presence, with fishing boats frequently docking at both Whitemark and Lady Barron.
  • Tourism: Growing sector, with charter boats, eco-tourism, and other marine-related tourist activities.
  • Agriculture: Movement of agricultural products, including livestock and dairy from the island to mainland markets.

Environmental and Regulatory Considerations

  • Environmental Protection: Compliance with Australian national and Tasmanian state regulations for environmental protection, especially concerning marine ecosystems.
  • Biosecurity: Strict biosecurity measures in place to prevent the introduction of pests and diseases.

Transportation Links

  • Air Transport: Regular flights connect Flinders Island to Launceston on mainland Tasmania and to Melbourne in Victoria, further supporting transport logistics.
  • Road Transport: Basic road infrastructure connecting port facilities to other parts of the island, aiding in the movement of goods and passengers.


  • Weather Conditions: Bass Strait is known for its challenging weather conditions, which can impact marine operations, especially during storm seasons.
  • Limited Infrastructure: Being a remote island, the port facilities are more limited compared to larger ports in Australia.

In conclusion, the marine port facilities on Flinders Island, though small in scale, are crucial for the local economy, supporting fishing, agriculture, and tourism, as well as providing vital transport links to the mainland.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
MATTHEW FLINDERS IV baycraft 9/16/2024
MATTHEW FLINDERS 3 Cargo 9/15/2024

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