• Latitude: -9.06193
  • Longitude: 143.21
  • North Australia
  • Port in Papua New Guinea

Address: Daru Western Province Papua New Guinea

Marine Port Description: Daru, Papua New Guinea


  • Port Name: Daru Port
  • Country: Papua New Guinea
  • Province: Western Province
  • Coordinates: Approximately -9.0833° S latitude and 143.2083° E longitude
  • Geographical Context: Daru is situated on Daru Island, at the southern coast of Papua New Guinea, adjacent to the Fly River delta.

Port Type:

  • Primary Function: General cargo and local trade operations.
  • Port Facilities: Basic dock facilities supporting small to medium-sized vessels.

Infrastructure & Specifications:

  • Berths/Wharfs: Equipped with a single or limited number of berths, suitable for small cargo operations.
  • Draft Depth: Typically shallow to moderate, suitable for smaller vessels; exact figures may vary and should be verified by contacting local port authorities.
  • Tidal Range: Tidal effects are moderate, with fluctuations affecting docking schedules and operations.

Services and Capabilities:

  • Cargo Handling: Primarily manual or basic mechanized; handles general cargo, possibly including fishing and agricultural produce.
  • Storage Facilities: Limited warehousing and open storage; capacity constraints often apply for larger bulk cargo.
  • Navigation Aids: Basic navigational aids in place; pilots may be available for navigating through the Fly River delta.
  • Customs/Immigration: Standard port of entry services for cargo and passenger vessels.
  • Bunkering/Waste Disposal: Limited bunkering services; waste disposal managed per local environmental guidelines.

Operational Specifics:

  • Operational Hours: Generally operates during daylight hours, with potential for 24-hour operations during peak periods.
  • Seasonal Considerations: Weather patterns, including cyclone season, may impact operations and accessibility.
  • Security: Basic port security in alignment with regional standards, including surveillance and patrols.
  • Port Authority: Managed by local or regional port authorities under the oversight of Papua New Guinea’s maritime agencies.

Economic and Strategic Importance:

  • Regional Connectivity: Serves as a key point for local trade across the Fly River and southern coastal areas.
  • Economic Role: Supports local economies through facilitation of trade, especially in fisheries, agriculture, and small-scale imports/exports.
  • Strategic Position: Acts as a key access point for remote areas of Western Province, aiding in regional development and supply chain logistics.

Mandatory Contacts and Additional Info:

  • It’s crucial to contact the local port authority or maritime agency for the most accurate and recent information.
  • Due to fluctuations in operational capabilities and infrastructural developments, stakeholders should ensure they have up-to-date port data before planning operations.

Daru Port reflects the essentiality of regional maritime hubs in fostering local and regional trade in Papua New Guinea, despite its limited scale and capacity compared to larger ports. It remains vital for sustainable development in its immediate environs.

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