• Latitude: 26.2408
  • Longitude: 55.155
  • Arabian Gulf
  • Marina in Iran

Address: Iran

The Lesser Tonb Island (also called Tonb-e Kuchek) is one of the strategic islands in the Persian Gulf, claimed and administered by Iran. It is part of the Hormozgan Province and is one of the three islands whose ownership is contested by the United Arab Emirates. However, Iran has maintained de facto control over the island since 1971.


  1. Geographic Location: Lesser Tonb Island is situated in the Persian Gulf, close to the Strait of Hormuz, which is a crucial maritime route for global oil transportation.

  2. Size and Topography: It is relatively small in size, smaller than its sister island Greater Tonb (Tonb-e Bozorg). It features a rocky terrain and a generally arid climate typical of the region.

  3. Importance:

    • Strategic Military Location: Given its proximity to the Strait of Hormuz, though Lesser Tonb is smaller and less developed than other military positions in the region, its strategic positioning enhances Iran’s ability to monitor and potentially control shipping routes.
    • Economic: The surrounding waters are rich with marine resources, including fish and potentially hydrocarbons.
  4. Population and Infrastructure: The island is sparsely populated, primarily hosting military personnel. Infrastructure is minimal, focused mainly on military installations. Civilian presence, if any, is minimal.


  1. Military Installations:

    • Outposts: Lesser Tonb likely features smaller outposts or observation posts to monitor naval activity in the Strait of Hormuz.
    • Radar Stations: These may be installed to enhance surveillance capabilities given the island’s strategic importance.
  2. Naval Facilities:

    • Ports/Docks: While detailed specifications are not publicly disclosed due to the island's military significance, it can be inferred there may be facilities to support naval vessels.
    • Helipads: Small helipads or landing zones for helicopters may be present to provide aerial support or rapid deployment capabilities.
  3. Logistics and Supplies:

    • Water Supply: Water is either imported from the mainland or desalinated.
    • Energy: Power supply is likely provided via generators, potentially supplemented by solar panels given the sunny climate.
  4. Communications:

    • Satellite Communication: Satellite and radio communication facilities for maintaining contact with mainland facilities and other outposts.
  5. Environmental Features:

    • Flora and Fauna: The ecosystem is dominated by desert flora with sparse vegetation. Marine life in surrounding waters includes various fish species and coral reefs.

Geopolitical Context:

Lesser Tonb, along with Greater Tonb and Abu Musa, is at the center of a territorial dispute between Iran and the UAE, with both nations asserting historical claims. However, Iran’s continued administration has led to the establishment of its sovereignty over the islands in practical terms.

In summary, Lesser Tonb Island serves as a minor yet strategic military outpost within Iran's broader defense strategy in the Persian Gulf, providing surveillance and control capabilities critical to the security of the Strait of Hormuz. The island remains a contested point in regional geopolitics, emphasizing its significance beyond its physical size.

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