• Latitude: 30.4649
  • Longitude: 49.1795
  • Arabian Gulf
  • Port in Iran

Address: Mahshahr Khuzestan Iran

Mahshahr Port, also known as Bandar-e Mahshahr, is one of Iran's key maritime ports and plays a significant role in the country's petroleum industry. Located in the southwestern Khuzestan province, Mahshahr Port is well-positioned along the Persian Gulf, granting it strategic importance in regional and international trade.


  1. Location:

    • Latitude: Approximately 30° 33' N
    • Longitude: Approximately 49° 12' E
    • Proximity: The port is situated northeast of the island of Kharg, another significant Iranian oil terminal, and southwest of the larger port city of Bandar Imam Khomeini.
  2. Function:

    • Mahshahr Port primarily serves as a key hub for Iran’s oil exports. The port’s principal function is to facilitate the export of crude oil, petroleum products, and petrochemicals produced in the region.
    • Additionally, it handles some general cargo and commercial shipping activities.
  3. Facilities:

    • Terminals: The port has multiple specialized terminals, including those for crude oil, petrochemicals, and other petroleum products.
    • Berths: Several berths are designated for different types of cargo, particularly for bulk liquid transfer.
    • Storage: Extensive storage facilities, including large tank farms for crude oil and refined products, are a prominent feature.
    • Equipment: The port is equipped with modern loading and unloading equipment to handle bulk liquids and general cargo.
  4. Connectivity:

    • Road Access: The port is interconnected with major highways and roads that link it to the wider region, facilitating the movement of goods to and from other parts of Iran.
    • Rail Access: There are rail links that further enhance logistical connectivity for goods transportation.
    • Pipeline: Significant pipeline infrastructure is in place for the transfer of petroleum products from inland production facilities to the port for export.
  5. Operations:

    • Cargo Handling Capacity: The port is capable of handling millions of tons of liquid bulk cargo annually, thanks to its extensive infrastructure and facilities.
    • Vessels: It can accommodate a range of vessel sizes, including large tankers that transport crude oil and petroleum products to international markets.
  6. Security and Safety:

    • The port adheres to international security and safety standards, ensuring safe operations for both personnel and environmental protection.
    • Robust measures are in place to prevent any accidents or spills, crucial for a port handling hazardous materials like crude oil and petrochemicals.
  7. Recent Developments:

    • Continuing investments in infrastructure and technology to modernize facilities and improve efficiency.
    • Efforts to expand storage and handling capacity to meet the rising international demand for Iranian petroleum products.


  1. Draft Depth: Varies by berth, with deeper sections up to 14 meters to accommodate larger vessels.
  2. Total Area: Significant land area dedicated to operations, storage, and auxiliary facilities.
  3. Operational Hours: Typically operates 24/7 to handle continuous shipping and transfer of products.
  4. Navigational Aids: Equipped with modern navigational aids and systems to ensure safe entry and departure of vessels.
  5. Support Services: Includes pilotage, tug services, bunkering, and ship repair facilities.

Strategic Importance:

  • Mahshahr Port’s strategic location along the Persian Gulf enables Iran to export significant quantities of oil and petrochemical products to global markets, primarily in Asia and Europe.
  • Given the geopolitical landscape, the port also serves as a critical node in regional trade routes.

Environmental and Regulatory Compliance:

  • Efforts are made to ensure the port operates within the environmental regulations stipulated by Iranian authorities and international maritime organizations.
  • Regular monitoring and adherence to safety protocols are critical, especially given the nature of the materials handled.

Overall, Mahshahr Port stands as a vital pillar in Iran’s maritime infrastructure, contributing significantly to the country’s economy through its robust oil export capabilities.

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