• Latitude: -3.21467
  • Longitude: 40.1272
  • East Africa
  • Port in Kenya

Address: Malindi Kenya

Marine Port Description and Specification: Malindi Port, Kenya

Geographical Location:

  • Coordinates: Approximately 3.217° S latitude, 40.117° E longitude.
  • Proximity: Malindi Port is situated in the town of Malindi, along the Indian Ocean coast of Kenya.

Overview: Malindi is traditionally known more for its tourism sector, but it also hosts a minor port that primarily serves the local trade, fishing, and tourism industries. The port provides essential services to the region, connecting it to other coastal cities and facilitating small-scale marine activities.


  1. Draft and Depth:

    • Channel Depth: Varies but generally shallow, accommodating small to medium-sized vessels.
    • Berth Depth: Typically around 2-3 meters, appropriate for dhows, trawlers, and small cargo boats.
  2. Berthing Facilities:

    • Number of Berths: Limited; mainly catering small craft and fishing vessels.
    • Jetty/Pier: The port may feature a simple jetty or pier structure for loading and unloading.
  3. Cargo Handling:

    • Types of Cargo: Predominantly handling local goods, including fresh fish, seafood, agricultural produce, and some general cargo.
    • Handling Equipment: Basic facilities available, often involving manual handling and smaller cranes.
  4. Navigational Aids:

    • Lighthouse: Potentially served by a lighthouse within nearby coastal areas.
    • Buoys/Markers: Typically equipped with basic navigational markers suitable for local traffic.
  5. Services:

    • Pilotage: Generally not available as it is considered a minor port.
    • Bunkering: Limited facilities; often, the port may rely on local suppliers.
    • Water Supply: Accessible but possibly limited.
  6. Security and Safety:

    • Port Security: Basic security measures may be in place, supporting local regulatory frameworks.
    • Safety Measures: Compliant with Kenyan maritime safety regulations, although, on a smaller scale.

Economic Impact and Usage:

  • Primary Uses: Fishing, local trade, and tourism-related activities.
  • Economic Role: Plays a crucial role in supporting the local economy, especially in terms of fishing and providing transport for small-scale traders.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Development Needs: Potential for upgrades to accommodate larger vessels and increase cargo capacity.
  • Environmental Concerns: Close proximity to tourist areas necessitates careful environmental management to balance economic and environmental health.

Future Prospects:

  • Expansion Plans: Future development options could include dredging to increase depth, improving berthing facilities, and better infrastructure for handling cargo.
  • Tourism Integration: Being a tourist hotspot, integrating port activities with tourism could be a potential area for growth.

In conclusion, Malindi Port remains a small but significant port for regional economic activities on the Kenyan coast, providing essential services and facilitating local maritime trade. With appropriate development, it has the potential to expand its role further.

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