• Latitude: -5.42295
  • Longitude: 38.974
  • East Africa
  • Port in Tanzania

Address: Pangani Coast Region Tanzania

Phone number: +255


Certainly! Below is a detailed description and specifications of the Marine Port of Pangani in Tanzania:

General Overview:

Pangani is a small coastal town located on the eastern coast of Tanzania. The port serves the local community and the surrounding region, becoming an integral point for fishing activities and small-scale trade. Despite its smaller size and lower traffic compared to major Tanzanian ports like Dar es Salaam or Tanga, Pangani holds historical significance and plays a vital role in the local economy.


  • Coordinates: Approximately 5° 25' S latitude and 38° 58' E longitude
  • Region: Tanga Region
  • Country: Tanzania

Infrastructure and Facilities:

  • Harbor Type: Small coastal port
  • Berthing: Primarily for smaller vessels, including fishing boats, dhows, and small cargo ships
  • Draft Depths: Shallow depth, primarily suitable for vessels with lower draft requirements
  • Warehousing: Limited warehousing facilities tailored to local trade needs
  • Cargo Handling: Basic facilities for handling goods; most cargo operations are manual or semi-mechanized


  • Primary Activities: Fishing, small-scale cargo trade, and passenger ferry services
  • Cargo Types: Fish, local agricultural produce, and limited consumer goods
  • Passenger Services: Local ferries operating to nearby islands and coastal areas


  • Road Access: Connected to local and regional roads, though access can be limited by road conditions, especially during the rainy season
  • Sea Access: Adequate for small and medium-sized boats; larger ships may face challenges due to shallow waters

Services and Support:

  • Customs and Immigration: Basic facilities available; more sophisticated services handled through neighboring larger ports
  • Fuel and Supplies: Limited fuel supply facilities; small shops and markets available for basic provisions
  • Ship Repair: Basic repair services available locally; more extensive repairs would need to be undertaken at larger nearby ports

Strategic Importance:

  • Economic Role: Serves as a crucial local hub for fishermen and small traders
  • Cultural Significance: Known historically as a trading post during the era of Arab influence in East Africa

Nautical Information:

  • Tidal Range: Variable, typical of East African coastal regions
  • Navigational Aids: Minimal; mariners are advised to rely on local knowledge and maritime charts
  • Weather Considerations: Tropical climate with two main seasons – dry (June to September) and rainy (March to May, October to December)

Development Plans:

There may be local or regional initiatives aimed at improving infrastructure and increasing the port's capacity to handle more diverse maritime activities. However, any development is likely to be modest given the port's current scale and needs.

The Port of Pangani is perfectly suited for community-level activities but it is critical that visitors or businesses seeking to use the port for more extensive operations prepare in advance, and possibly coordinate with larger regional ports for substantial logistics.

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