• Latitude: 8.3017
  • Longitude: -62.8282
  • North Coast South America
  • Port in Venezuela

Address: Matanzas Venezuela

As of my last available information update, Matanzas Port, also known as Puerto de Matanzas, is a significant port facility in Venezuela. Here’s a structured description together with its general specifications:

Port Overview:

  • Location: Matanzas Port is located near the eastern end of the Paraguaná Peninsula in Falcón State, Venezuela. It is situated on the Caribbean coast, which makes it a strategic point for maritime operations in the region.

Port Specifications:

  1. Geographic Coordinates:

    • Latitude: Approximately 11.7095° N
    • Longitude: Approximately -70.2082° W
  2. Type of Port:

    • Matanzas Port functions as a commercial and an oil export terminal. Its proximity to the Paraguaná Refining Complex, one of the world's largest refinery networks, underscores its importance in the petroleum industry.
  3. Berthing Facilities:

    • The port features multiple berths designed to accommodate various types of cargo ships, including tankers and general cargo vessels.
    • Specifics on the number of berths and their individual dimensions may vary, and updated details should be acquired from the port authority.
  4. Draft and Depth:

    • The depth at the berths and approach channels usually permits the docking of medium to large-sized tankers. However, exact draft limits should be confirmed from the latest navigation charts.
  5. Terminal Facilities:

    • Oil Terminal: Equipped for crude oil and petroleum products loading and unloading.
    • Cargo Handling: Facilities for liquid bulk cargo, particularly hydrocarbons.
  6. Storage Facilities:

    • The port includes significant storage capabilities for petroleum and other hydrocarbons. This includes large tank farms with extensive storage capacity, facilitating the storage and transshipment of oil and related products.
  7. Accessibility:

    • The port is accessible via sea and road, with connections to national highways facilitating the inland transportation of goods.
    • It ensures good communication with major oil fields and refining facilities in the region.
  8. Auxiliary Services:

    • Pilotage: Services are available and typically mandatory for large vessels navigating in and out of the harbor.
    • Tug Assistance: Provided for berthing and unberthing of vessels.
    • Bunkering: Fueling services for ships may be available, but specific details should be verified in real-time.
    • Safety and Security: Governed by international maritime safety standards and local regulations.
  9. Regulatory Compliance:

    • The port operates under the jurisdiction of Venezuelan maritime laws and international regulations, including those enforced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
  10. Economic Significance:

    • The strategic location of Matanzas Port and its infrastructure play a vital role in Venezuela's oil export economy, linking domestic oil production with global markets.

Current Status:

Given the dynamic nature of port operations and periodic geopolitical influences, it's recommended to contact the local port authority or consult recent maritime publications for the most current and detailed information.

Contact Information:

For up-to-date information and operational details, you can contact:

  • Venezuelan Port Authority (Bolivariana de Puertos - Bolipuertos)
  • Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) for matters specifically related to oil terminals.

Remember, conditions and operational status can change, so always check for the latest updates before planning any maritime activity involving Matanzas Port.

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