• Latitude: 64.5722
  • Longitude: 39.8059
  • North Coast CIS
  • Port in Russia

Address: Arkhangelsk Oblast Russia

Severodvinsk is a port city located in the Arkhangelsk Oblast of northwestern Russia. It is situated on the White Sea, near the delta of the Northern Dvina River. Severodvinsk is known for its significant role in Russian naval shipbuilding and submarine construction, home to the major shipyards such as Sevmash and Zvezdochka.

Port Specifications and Description

  1. Geographical Location:

    • Latitude: 64.5600° N
    • Longitude: 39.8300° E
  2. Water Depth:

    • Channel Depth: Depths can range significantly, but as it is tailored for shipbuilding and naval use, depths are usually adequate for deep-draft vessels.
    • Anchorage Depth: Varies, deeper near the ports' operational areas.
    • Cargo Pier Depth: Varies depending on the specific segment of the port.
  3. Tidal Range:

    • The tidal range in the White Sea and the port area is generally moderate. Tides should be taken into consideration for docking and navigation.
  4. Port Infrastructure:

    • Berths and Quays: Severodvinsk has specialized berths to accommodate large vessels, including naval ships and large cargo vessels associated with shipyards.
    • Cranes: Heavy lifting cranes and other advanced dockside equipment are available to handle large shipbuilding materials and cargo.
    • Warehousing: There are storage facilities and ample warehousing in proximity to the shipyards.
    • Dry Dock Facilities: Severodvinsk hosts several dry docks, including some of the largest in Russia, essential for the construction and maintenance of submarines and other large vessels.
  5. Main Functions:

    • Shipbuilding and Repair: The city is primarily known for its capabilities in constructing civilian and military ships, particularly submarines, aircraft carriers, and icebreakers.
    • Naval Base: Severodvinsk serves as a key operational base for the Russian Navy.
  6. Access and Navigation:

    • Approach Channels: The Northern Dvina River provides direct access to Severodvinsk, but navigation may involve dealing with ice during the winter months.
    • Ice Conditions: Icebreaking services are available, as the port can be ice-affected from December to April.
  7. Security and Regulations:

    • Security Level: Due to its military significance, the port has heightened security measures.
    • Entry Regulations: Severodvinsk is a sensitive area, and foreign vessels might be subject to strict regulations and prior approval from Russian authorities for entry.
  8. Services Provided:

    • Maintenance and Repairs: Comprehensive services are available through the shipyards.
    • Pilotage: Mandatory pilot services for navigation through the Dvina Bay.
    • Bunkering and Supplies: Fueling and supply services are available in the port area.
  9. Environmental Concerns:

    • Given the sensitive ecological environment of the White Sea, environmental regulations are stringent, particularly concerning waste disposal and pollutant management.

Severodvinsk is strategically important for Russia’s shipbuilding industry and naval operations, with its facilities designed to support some of the largest and most technologically advanced naval projects in the country.

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