• Latitude: 8.0803
  • Longitude: 77.555
  • East Coast India
  • Port in India

Address: India

Kanyakumari, also known as Cape Comorin, is situated at the southernmost tip of the Indian subcontinent. It is renowned more for its cultural significance and tourism rather than being a major commercial maritime port. Nonetheless, it does have certain facilities related to marine activities. Here's an overview:

Ports and Facilities:

  1. Location:

    • Latitude: 8.0780° N
    • Longitude: 77.5416° E
    • State: Tamil Nadu
    • Ocean: Confluence of the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, and Bay of Bengal
  2. Type of Port:

    • Kanyakumari primarily serves as a fishing port and spot for docking small to medium-sized vessels. It does not currently operate as a major commercial or industrial port.
  3. Harbor type:

    • Open Roadstead: There are no extensive docking facilities or harbor infrastructure akin to larger ports like Chennai or Mumbai.
  4. Facilities:

    • Fishing Facilities: Basic facilities supporting local fishing activities.
    • Tourism-related Facilities: Small piers and jetties for tourist ferries, especially those going to the nearby Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Thiruvalluvar Statue.
    • Coast Guard: A coast guard station to ensure maritime safety.
  5. Depth and Docks:

    • Docks and Berths: Limited. Mainly for small and mid-sized fishing boats and tourist ferries.
    • Draft depth: Generally shallow, suitable for small vessels.
  6. Cargo Handling:

    • Minimal, not designed for handling large commercial cargo; primarily manages fishing hauls and minor goods.


  1. Connectivity:

    • Road: Well-connected by road, with Nh34 (National Highway 44) reaching Kanyakumari.
    • Rail: Kanyakumari Railway Station connects to major Indian cities.
    • Air: The nearest airport is Trivandrum International Airport, approximately 90 km away.
  2. Tourist Attractions:

    • Vivekananda Rock Memorial: Accessible by ferry, a prominent monument located offshore.
    • Thiruvalluvar Statue: Another significant monument on a small island.
    • Kanyakumari Beach: Known for its unique phenomenon of witnessing both the sunrise and sunset over the ocean.

Environmental and Climatic Conditions:

  1. Climate:

    • Tropical climate with moderate to high humidity.
    • Monsoon season: Heavy rains during the South-West and North-East monsoons (June to September and October to December, respectively).
  2. Tidal Patterns:

    • Semi-diurnal tide (two high and two low tides each day).
  3. Safety and Security:

    • Managed by the Indian Coast Guard and local maritime authorities to ensure the safety of marine operations.

Prospects and Development:

  • Potential Upgrades: Given its picturesque location, there's potential for developing improved marine tourism facilities. However, significant commercial port development appears unlikely without substantial investment and a strategic shift in the port's role.

  • Marine Activities: Primarily focused on local fishing, tourism, and cultural activities rather than large-scale freight handling.


Kanyakumari serves mainly as a cultural and tourist hub with limited marine port activities, focused on local fishing and tourism rather than commercial shipping. For any significant commercial port services, other ports like Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu are more suitable.

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