• Latitude: -9.44737
  • Longitude: 147.124
  • North Australia
  • Port in Papua New Guinea

Address: Port Moresby National Capital District Papua New Guinea

Phone number: +675 000 0000

Web-site: https://www.pm.gov.pg/

Port Moresby

Port Moresby, the capital city of Papua New Guinea, is situated on the southern coast of the country along the shores of the Coral Sea. The geographic coordinates are approximately 9.4780° S latitude and 147.1500° E longitude.

General Overview

Port Moresby is the principal maritime gateway for Papua New Guinea, offering essential facilities and services for international and domestic maritime trade. It serves as a hub for commercial shipping, fishing vessels, and cruise liners.

Port Specifications

  • Type of Harbor: Natural, sheltered by localized reefs and islands.
  • Navigation: Entry to the harbor is relatively straightforward, with established navigation aids such as buoys, markers, and beacons. Pilotage is mandatory for larger vessels.
  • Channel Depth: Approach channels and berth areas have varying depths but generally accommodate large vessels. The main navigational channel is well-dredged.
  • Tide and Current: Regular tidal variations with a range of approximately 0.8 to 2 meters. Currents generally align with wind and tidal movements, requiring standard navigational precautions.

Facilities and Services

  • Berths and Terminals: Multiple berths catering to different types of cargo—bulk, break-bulk, container, and liquid cargo.
    • Container Terminal equipped with modern cranes, reach stackers, and yard management systems.
    • Bulk Cargo Terminals for both dry and liquid bulk.
  • Storage: Warehousing facilities, container yards, and open storage areas available. Bonded warehousing for customs clearance is also an option.
  • Cargo Handling:
    • Modern stevedoring services.
    • Equipment includes gantry cranes, forklifts, and conveyor systems.
  • Bunkering: Refueling services for ships are available with both heavy fuel oil and diesel.
  • Repair and Maintenance: Basic repair facilities are available, including dry docking and slipway services for smaller vessels.

Safety and Security

  • ISPS Code: Fully compliant with the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.
  • Customs and Immigration: Onsite customs, quarantine, and immigration offices ensuring smooth clearance processes.
  • Health and Safety: Health inspection services monitor incoming vessels and cargo to prevent the spread of diseases.


  • Infrastructure: Well-connected to road networks, facilitating efficient inland transport of goods.
  • Communication: Modern communication facilities including VHF radio, internet, and satellite communication.
  • Additional Services: Availability of ship chandlers, waste disposal, freshwater supply, and emergency medical services.

Important Contacts

Operational Notes

  • Working Hours: Typically operates 24/7, although certain services may have specific operational hours.
  • Pilotage and Tug Services: Pilotage is mandatory for larger vessels, with tug services available for maneuvering assistance.

Environmental Considerations

  • Environmental Policies: Active environmental monitoring and waste management practices to ensure minimal impact on local marine and coastal environments.

Port Moresby plays a vital role in the economic landscape of Papua New Guinea, providing comprehensive maritime services to support the nation's trade and connectivity.

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